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functional protein中文是什么意思

用"functional protein"造句"functional protein"怎么读"functional protein" in a sentence


  • 功能蛋白


  • Odds that all the functional proteins necessary for life might f - o - r - m in one place by random chance is 1 in 10 to 40 , 000th power
  • Objective : study the proteome profiles of serum and skin proteins of loach stimulated with trauma in comparison to control group . identify app candidates and search for functional proteins of special research value
  • Thus is fulfilled one of the promises of the human genome project : by scanning the human dna sequence , scientists can now guess which bits are the genes that are transcribed into rna messages and then translated into functional proteins
  • They are involved both in the production of mature proteins , acting as processing enzymes , and in the degradation of damaged or non - functional proteins [ 1 " 8l in plant plastids , proteases function in protein degradation seem to act to adjust the stoichiometry of subunits in supramolecular complexes , as well as to regulate the stoichiometry between different supramolecular complexes in response to environmental changes and process the nuclear - encoded preproteins in the stromal
用"functional protein"造句  


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